We Provide Mental Health and Intellectual Disability/Autism Services
Serving Lycoming & Clinton Counties
Please Note:
At Lycoming-Clinton Joinder, our goal is to keep our community safe and healthy.
We are asking that individuals who have not been fully vaccinated against COVID-19
to please wear a face covering at all times when in any of our facility sites
(Sharwell Building, Lock Haven MH/ID Satellite Office, Youth Campus).
We’re Here to Help.
Lycoming-Clinton Mental Health Services are primarily available for adults with a serious mental illness and children/adolescents with or "at risk" of developing a serious emotional disturbance. Contact the office for information and referral services. We also provide 24-hour crisis intervention services.
Our Lycoming-Clinton Intellectual Disabilities/Autism Services Program provides a variety of services to assist individuals with Intellectual Disabilities and/or Autism, and their families, to live and work in their home communities.
We also manage the waiver capacity and funding for services.
You Are Not Alone.
Mental health challenges are common and treatable. Lycoming-Clinton County Mental Health Services Program offers many treatment options and levels of mental healthcare for adults. Learn all you can, ask questions, and advocate for yourself or your loved one. There is reason to hope; people do get better every day.
If you or a loved one is experiencing a mental health crisis, contact our Crisis Intervention Services partner immediately.
Center for Community Resources (CCR)
Phone: 1 - 844 - 707 - 3224
Text: #63288
Chat: www.ccrinfo.org
CCR provides 24/7 Crisis Intervention support and stands ready to help you day or night.
We Help Individuals and Families.
There was a time not too long ago when someone diagnosed with disabilities was kept apart from their family and community in large state-operated centers or segregated in "special ed" programs in school.
Today we recognize the benefits of integration, not only for the individual with Intellectual Disabilities/Autism, but for the entire community as well. Thus, the support services offered by the Lycoming-Clinton Intellectual Disabilities/Autism Services Program are based in the local community and encourage active participation by the individual, their family, friends, and neighbors.