Mental Health Challenges are Treatable
If you or a loved one has received a mental health diagnosis, you may be feeling worried, afraid and emotionally exhausted. Unfortunately, this is also when you need to learn to navigate a whole new world – the mental health system. It can be confusing and overwhelming. But help is available, and you aren’t alone! Mental health challenges are common and treatable.
Lycoming-Clinton County Mental Health Agency offers many treatment options and levels of mental healthcare for adults. The information here will help you find what you need to feel better.
As you explore our Service Map, remember that you will want to be an informed consumer. Just as we’re asked to participate in our recovery process with physical healthcare, we must engage in the mental health recovery process. Learn all you can, ask questions, and advocate for yourself or your loved one. There is reason to hope; people do get better every day.
Important to Know
Seek Help Promptly – Like many physical health conditions, mental health conditions are easier to treat, and have a better chance for a full recovery if treated promptly. Anyone who is struggling with mental health and emotional wellbeing should not wait.
Talk Therapy – The benefits of talking with a therapist or counselor have been researched, and are often part of a treatment plan. This type of treatment relies on developing a trusting and comfortable relationship with the mental health professional. Sometimes it takes time, and it’s not uncommon to try a few therapists before finding the “right fit”. Try not to be discouraged if this happens; it’s a necessary part of the process. It will be worth the effort in the end.
Find Support – While receiving mental health treatment, individuals should not forget their ‘natural supports,’ or the relationships that occur naturally in one’s everyday life. These may include family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors. They may also include church groups, gardening clubs, or the YMCA exercise class.
Help for Veterans – Veterans may obtain services through county service providers.
Mental Health Court – Lycoming/Clinton County does have a mental health court.
Individual Rights – Similar to people with other illnesses, people with mental illnesses have the right to choose treatment providers, make decisions about treatment, and even refuse treatment, except for in very specific situations. Self-direction and empowerment are key concepts to recovery, even though this may, at times, be frustrating to concerned loved ones.
Get the Facts – There is a lot of information about mental health on the internet, but not everything you read is based in fact. It’s important to know and utilize reliable websites when searching for information.
If you or a loved one is experiencing a mental health crisis, please contact our Crisis Intervention Services partner immediately.
Phone: 1-(844) - 707 - 3224
Text: #63288
Chat: www.ccrinfo.org
Help is here for you day or night.
Counseling and support is available to all Lycoming and Clinton County residents regardless of income or insurance.