We Offer Many Levels of Treatment and Care
Explanation of Mental Health Treatment Services
Medication Management – Following an initial psychiatric evaluation, any prescribed medications are monitored by a psychiatrist, a medical doctor (M.D.) specializing in treating the brain. (Just as a cardiologist is a medical doctor specializing in treating the heart.) Because psychiatrist appointments are not intended to provide therapy, they last about 15 minutes each month to focus on how the medications are working. Medication management is provided along with other therapeutic services.
Outpatient Therapy – This includes counseling sessions provided by trained professionals (psychologists, social workers, or professional counselors) on a regular basis. Sessions may be for individuals, families, or for other types of groups. Specialized treatment may be prescribed, depending on a person’s diagnosis. These include:
Mental Health Case Management – A case manager may be assigned to help obtain and coordinate services and supports, including helping with benefits applications, arranging for housing, or supported employment, and assuring the services are delivered as planned.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) – aims to change a person’s thinking to be more adaptive and healthy
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) – comprehensive therapy that teaches coping skills
Evidence-Based Trauma Treatments – specifically designed therapies for children, men and women
Psychiatric Rehabilitation – There are different types of rehabilitation programs to provide support or help to build skills, according to individual needs. Programs include activities to promote symptom management, social skills, personal adjustment, job skills, and independent living skills for one to function well in the community with minimal professional help. Individuals should ask about rehabilitation options.
Co-occurring Treatment – Treatment for individuals who abuse or are addicted to alcohol or other drugs and have a diagnosed mental illness.
Acute Care Partial Hospitalization – This structured day program provides intensive support in an out-patient setting. Intended to be a short-term treatment, program participation is usually 1 to 2 weeks.
Inpatient Hospitalization – There are several psychiatric hospitals in the region that provide secure settings for individuals with acute symptoms and/or needing to stabilize medications, as well as those who may be at risk of harm to themselves or others. The average in-patient hospitalization is 10-14 days.
Mental Health Emergency – Crisis Intervention is a free, 24/7 service and can be reached at 1-844-707-3224
Community Residential Rehabilitation (CRR) – 24/7 group home settings.
Peer Support – Certified Peer Specialists are people in recovery who have been trained to use their experiences to help others using mental health services. They have “walked the walk” and can offer connections and hope. Service providers on the map can provide more information about peer support services.
Explanation of Community Supports: These are supportive resources in the community.
Mental Health First Aid – This is a free public education class designed to teach anyone how to help someone developing a mental health problem or crisis. Participants become certified MHFA-ers in 8 hours. Information, including how to arrange a training for your group and other details are available by calling 570-326-7895 or 570-748-2262.
WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) – A wellness tool developed by renowned mental health advocate, writer, and person in recovery, Mary Ellen Copeland, PhD. WRAP trainings are occasionally offered locally. For more information on how to develop this type of plan, go to www.copelandcenter.com.
Beacon Hub – A drop-in center run by Skills of Central PA, which is consumer-driven, focusing on socialization and community interaction.
The Clubhouse – Run by Community Services Group, is a social rehabilitation center where individuals work on employment and social skills.
Explanation of Other Systems
Other Human Service Departments
Area Agency on Aging – This department provides home and community based protection, advocacy, information, and assistance services to people aged 60 and over (and their families) so they can have choices about how they want to live with dignity and respect, lead independent and active lives, and be free from abuse and neglect.
Children and Youth Services – This department intervenes to provide services that can’t be provided by the family, friends, or the community. It utilizes high quality, comprehensive social services that strengthen the family’s ability to provide for the safety and well-being of each child.
West Branch Drug and Alcohol Services – This department plans, implements, and monitors local addictions prevention, intervention, and treatment services.
If you think a single plan of care would benefit you or your loved one, ask your provider!
Community Care Behavioral Health – This is the behavioral health HealthChoices program for Lycoming/Clinton County. HealthChoices is the name of Pennsylvania’s mandatory managed care programs for Medical Assistance Recipients. Visit the Community Care Behavioral Health website for more information. www.ccbh.org.
Mental Health Court – This is a collaboration with the Departments of Mental Health and Criminal Justice to assist adult residents with serious mental illness who have been arrested for criminal charges, yet do not pose a risk to public safety. The objective is to have the arrested person pursue intensive mental health services instead of facing prosecution. Call 570-326-7895.
Lycoming County Assistance Office – Residents of Pennsylvania can seek assistance and a range of services for themselves and their families. You should not call the office. Go to the website www.compass.state.pa.us for information and to apply online. Please note: You will need your social security number, proof of all income for your household in the past 30 days, and any other relevant information.
If you or a loved one is experiencing a mental health crisis, please contact our Crisis Intervention Services partner immediately.
Phone: 1-(844) - 707 - 3224
Text: #63288
Chat: www.ccrinfo.org
Help is here for you day or night.
Counseling and support is available to all Lycoming and Clinton County residents regardless of income or insurance.